Sunday, March 29

Sigh of Relief

No one can deny that Oman has breathed a huge sigh of relief for the return of our beloved leader. There are expression of joy and happiness filling the air after a tremendous cloud has been lifted from the country.

Our uncertainty was only enhanced by the non-informative nature of his absence for 8 months, with only one TV address to the citizens during that time. The media was abuzz with speculation as to his health, succession and the future of Oman!
Yet the people of Oman held true and awaited some substantial news and it came like a wind storm on the day that all forms of social media where alight as to his return to the country. Let me just add that social media platforms where a lot more progressive than our local news agency, and before getting an official statement from the Royal Courts Affairs Department.
Nothing could potray the elation felt by adults and children alike, by locals and foreigners living in this countr and by neighboring countries that expressed and shared the joy for Oman. Our love is boundless for a leader that has only set the highest of standards in bringing a country from the dark ages. I believe that no one felt it more than those who have lived to witness the change and progress of stride that Oman has been through. It was confirmed when I heard tears of joy and elation coming from my mother as we sat outside our house looking to the skies to see the helicopters transferring HM from the airport.
For now the celebrations are endless, and the nation will continue to keep that passion and cherished candle alight till we hear from him officially addressing the nation and confirming that he is in good health, and recovered. There is no greater feeling than having a sense of belonging to a country that has been granted a leader that only wants the trust, and enhancement of its people.

May Allah protect HM Sultan Qaboos and grant his good health.

Your people cherish you Baba Qaboos, the father of every Omani living on this land.

Aishelaqtta ايش اللقطه
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