Sunday, April 27

Omani Kummah (Cap)

During my Oman FM Interview a caller asked if they could feature this story on my blog. I was very intrigued since it was a fascinating story.

After a little research and and web searching I realised that the story had been featured in the local newspaper, and that my fellow bloggers have posted about it. Yet as everything else it didn't seem to have generated the right publicity, thus I decided to shed the spotlight on it again.

Amani al Raisi, a Grade 12 student of Al Amerat School came up with the idea of making the biggest Kummah in the world.

The inspiration came from Amani's mother, who helped with creating the huge ambitious task. It took 18 months to stitch, which contain over 200,000 stitches and is over five metres in circumference with it being 1.75 metres in height and 1.68 metres in radius setting the world record for the Largest Kummah according to the World Record Academy. She had the assistance of Ojas Bhatia and Rohit Jadhad.

Can you imagine?! A school girl wanting to create such a ambitious project, and intending to gift it to His Majesty for National Day. These are young achievers that need to be celebrated and encouraged to do more.

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