Thursday, January 23

Sad news: Fatal School Bus Overturne

Sad news this morning of a Pakistan school bus overturning on the SQH/Wattayah highway very close to Khoula Hospital.

Total of 37 children were in the school bus of which nine of the school children were seriously injured with four fatalities. The cause of the bus overturning was not mentioned but with people ignoring speeding limitations I can expect that it could’ve been a reason for the overturn.

There should be more done to keeps our roads safe, what of children being put in driver’s seats, not use of seatbelts, over speeding and general safety negligence on the roads. The efforts being put last year might not be enough to create an effective campaign for change within the roads of Oman. 
A huge bus overloaded with children, probably with no supervisor on the bus. How many times have you been on the road and seen school buses filled with children who are either stuck to the windows, jumping, fighting, or sticking a leg or arm out to catch the wind. There should be some sort of evaluation done to make these bus drivers, and stricter rules as to the capacity of individuals in the bus. What else could be done?

I am literally overwhelmed with grief and somehow can imagine the reaction of others that it may be considered as God’s will. I am not going to delve into religion but I will say this be it God’s will yet there are some precautionary measures that have been ignored and may have lead to such a fatal incident.

May the parents be granted strength to endure.

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  1. My heartfelt condolence to all the parents who have lost their loved once. Yes we need stricter rules for driving school buses. Accidents can happen, but where is the safety rules- kids are driving these school buses. But when an expat says these things have you see the comments from some arrogant nations (there are very few of them) - why you complain against our Country, go to your Country, we don't want you here etc etc. Where do we expat complain?? No one cares for expats. Expats are here to work as labourers and sweepers so that the nationals can enjoy their life.

    1. I am glad it’s a minority that thinks that way.
      The bus accident shouldn’t be an accident that is judged based on with nationality, race, origin. The loss of innocent life affects us all


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