Wednesday, December 11

Hot Topic: The lack of public facilities

Oman is making its mark in the tourism industry; the basic need for visitors of this country has yet to be met. The responsible government bodies should make a move to create a solution to these basic necessities.

For those who have visited Oman, it is always a destination to be revisited, but with the shortage of basic facilities it will soon go down a slippery slope and crash within the tourism sector.
“Lack of restrooms or basic hygiene, in fact, is just the tip of the iceberg, which could sink Oman's ambitious vessel showcasing an authentic Arab heritage, architecture, cuisine and hospitality for the globetrotting community. We are talking about all the basic services including information centers, availability of local area maps, smaller accommodation facilities and local restaurants that meet food safety standards, which are essential for the country to evolve itself into a true global tourism destination. And they are very crucial when there's a tremendous effort to position Oman as an exotic and appealing holiday destination, feel many in the industry.”

Isn’t it bad enough that the available restrooms at various shopping outlet, restaurant and public attraction is very unhygienic? Embarrassing much?  There are a few other “facilities” that have been mentioned in the quote above but the most embarrassing of them all is the lack of restrooms or basic hygiene!  Show of hand as to those of you who have actually walked into a restroom without fining it filled to the brim with water, toilet paper and faulty taps.
I want to see more for the country I cherish and enhancements in the basic necessities of any person living or visiting the country should be a priority. To me it’s very simple, Oman has to present its best to all travelers while preserving its tradition, cultural values and natural beauty.

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