The new BMF building was divided into three sections each being representing the three concepts of PDO Day on various floors. An additional aspect of the event also included a ceremony which introduced the first PDO ICV awards to recognise the outstanding ICV achievements of its contracts and staff.
Aishelaqtta was invited as a Social Media Representative to the event, covering many examples of excellence represented among 100 exhibitors, showing PDO's strong and unyielding corporate commitment to ICV as well as that of individual members of the staff and citizens.

You could really sense the dedication that PDO was wholeheartedly giving to support all that was being presented on the day. There is allot of passion for, and dedication to ICV through promoting Omani excellence so as to create a high level local workforce.

I could not deny the level of enthusiasm and impressiveness of how the PDO Day was conducted by the people and talents that were displayed on the day. May we see more of such amazing support through other organisations and at the level that would enable Omanis' to flourish.
Article for PDO Day Event - Invited social media coverage
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